
Showing posts from 2014

What to see in a leader ...

Don't trust a leader who says he will favour you because of your religion, caste or creed. Such a person has favouritism build into their character. True, he may favour you over other caste and religion, but only when convenient. He will favour himself above everyone else, his family above every other family, his relatives and friends over everyone else, and if there are favours left to dole out, he will favour his caste and religion above everyone else. This is what we have seen our political leaders do over all these years. This is basically what the "VIP" culture is all about. The "closer" you are to the leaders, the better treated you are. Instead, look for a leader who promises to be fair and balanced. Look for a leader who promises to do the right thing. He is the leader who you can trust to make decisions in national interest and your interest. He is the leader who will fight for your justice, so that that when you are at the receiving end of an unfa...

NOIDA Lok Sabha Elections 2014

Following is a link of a list of all 24 candidates in the fray for NOIDA seat for Lok Sabha elections fo 2014. The affidavit submitted by each candidate is also linked to each candidate's name. The affidavit includes declaration of income, assets and any criminal cases for the candidate and immediate family. The elections are on Apr 10, 2014. The website of Chief Electoral Officer of UP is . Following is a snapshot for quick reference.